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Call of the Dead Remastered

Good evening all, just a quick announcement to say that we have now released boards for Call of the Dead Remastered created by copforthat. It is available for High Rounds, Flawless, 30 & 50 Speedruns, EE Speedruns, First Room and No Power. Other boards may release in the future depending on popularity.

We have introduced two separate splits: Classics and Purist.

Classics will be your typical customs rules; classic gobblegums only. Purist however will be slightly different; no gobblegums allowed and no AATs allowed to recreate a more BO1 authentic feel.

We look forward to viewing your guys' submissions, and we hope you enjoy the map as much as we do. Please check out our leaderboards here:

You can download the map here: 

And please give love to the lead mapper and scripter; copforthat.

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